Our recreational pre-dance classes are fun and exciting explorations of body knowledge and basic dance elements. We use our imaginations to create an atmosphere that is safe, inviting, and educational for our little dancers. This class learns one Christmas dance which they will perform at our studio Christmas recital, and two dances which they will perform at our spring recital. Dancers will purchase two costumes for the year.
Ages 3-4
Cost: $35/month (does not include costume or recital fees)
Meets: once a week for 45 min. (45 min/wk)
*Black ballet shoes are required for this class
*Class offered in Rexburg and St. Anthony. See schedule for details.
Recreation 1
Our recreation 1 class is introduced to basic ballet and jazz techniques. We use our imagination to make technique creative and educational for dancers. Dancers will learn one dance to perform at our Christmas recital, and two dances to perform at our spring recital. Dancer’s will purchase two costumes for the year.
Ages 5-7
Cost: $40/month (does not include costume or recital fees)
Meets: once a week for 1 hr. (1 hr/wk)
*Black ballet shoes are required for this class
Recreation 2
Our recreation 2 class refines basic ballet and jazz techniques, and is introduced to beginning hip hop. This class is fun, but pushes education and skill of dancers further than Recreation 1, as implied by age and skill level. Dancers will learn one dance for our Christmas performance, and two dances for our spring recital.
Ages 8-10
Cost: $40/month (does not include costume or recital fees)
Meets: once a week for 1 hr. (1 hr/wk)
*Jazz shoes are required
Recreation 3
Our recreation 3 class continues to refine intermediate jazz and hip hop techniques. This class continues to push the skill level and dance education of dancers. Dancers will learn one dance that they will perform at our Christmas recital, as well as two dances they will perform at our spring recital.
Ages 11-15
Cost: $45/month (does not include costume or recital fees)
Meets: once a week for 1 hr. (1 hr/wk)
*Jazz shoes are required
*Offered in St. Anthony only. See schedule for details.
Dress Code
Jazz Classes: Dancers are encouraged to wear a leotard or form fitting t-shirt, tight leggings or shorts, and foot unides or jazz shoes. Baggy clothes may be worn as a warm up, but will not be tolerated during class.
Ballet Classes: Dancers are encouraged to wear a leotard and tights with a ballet skirt or spandex shorts and ballet shoes. Students without propoer ballet shoes and baggy clothes will not be tolerated. Hair must be pulled away from the face, preferably in a bun on the head.
Acro Classes: Dancers are encouraged to wear a leotard and spandex, as it is the most convienent for spotters in the class. Tennis shoes are not required, but encouraged during sections of the class.